atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Thu May 21 14:26:04 2020
<8f79fcda> Translated ofc
<8f79fcda> Hmmmm
<8f79fcda> This book is curious
<8f79fcda> If the chicoms didn’t want to destroy America … why would they write this book? :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:
<8f79fcda> Absolutely perplexing
<9e126bf3> “Rather than focusing on direct military confrontation, this book instead examines a variety of other means. Such means include using International Law (see Lawfare) and a variety of economic means to place one’s opponent in a bad position and circumvent the need for direct military action.” I mean… thats exactly what has been going on for 20 years
<8f79fcda> I just can’t understand why they’d do that
<8f79fcda> I thought the chicoms were our friends
<9e126bf3> but someone came along and fucked everything up….
<8f79fcda> Nah man
<8f79fcda> The chicoms are a spook org
<8f79fcda> They aren’t real
<8f79fcda> They were created by the cia and Jews
<9e126bf3> :thinking_face: well that’s true but does it make them less real? :thinking_face:
<9e126bf3> ISIS is (was) “real” in that they were killing people even though it was just another CIA/mossad front
<8f79fcda> “Not real chicoms” ofc <@U03694HFD>
<9e126bf3> Demzis say they aren’t commies. Do I believe them? :thinking_face: :butterfly:
<8f79fcda> :npc:
<9e126bf3> Who created AOC? Can we seize the means of production of AOC bots?
<8f79fcda> `npc print not real communism`
<9e126bf3> lol
<9e126bf3> AOC should just bail on the low brow commie shit and call herself Sandy Cortez again and run as a Republican
<8f79fcda> absolute chaos lol
<8f79fcda> dogs sleeping with cats
<9e126bf3> someone needs to sneak a red pill into her morning coffee
<8f79fcda> i heard she didn’t get enough signatures to get on the ballot
<8f79fcda> or some such thing
<8f79fcda> <@U2S98EDNK>
`Before one studies Zen, mountains are mountains and waters are waters; after a first glimpse into the truth of Zen, mountains are no longer mountains and waters are no longer waters; after enlightenment, mountains are once again mountains and waters once again waters.`

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