atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Thu May 21 16:53:31 2020
<8f79fcda> false equivalency – one is a nuclear deterrent, and one is a book that directly cites stratagems and Intel on how to destroy america…
<5547a085> Idk, if a JIDF showed up and broke rank/character, its a chance to engage and counter-influence
<8f79fcda> i’d agree with that. we are stronk. however, could we handle a zerg of zog?
<5547a085> One at a time is manageable, theres only so much time in the day
<7d56dcb3> lol
> China: Land of free speech

<5547a085> This example seems like kind of a fluke, theres thousands of threads taking place in the open on US platforms, despite the encroaching censorship fuckery
<7d56dcb3> but i believe the point is… each country has their own standards of “free speech”, and things that they censor…
<8f79fcda> i love it

<7d56dcb3> i bet if alex jones got a weibo account, he’d be able to talk about sandy hook nonstop lol
<9e126bf3> This is true, the standards vary. However, its easier to jail people in other countries for what is said. Here you just get deplatformed
<8f79fcda> and there’s a difference between the first amendment… an enshrined right… and what some asshole like Jack Dorsal has to do to keep that saudi and chink investor money propping up his stonk price
<9e126bf3> Yeah he would but the second he talks about chicoms he’ll be booted. So like 3 seconds lol
<7d56dcb3> i was gonna say… but sandy hook got him booted in the states too so…
<9e126bf3> It absolutely did
<7d56dcb3> china would boot him for criticizing the ccp for sure…
<8f79fcda> pretty safe to say the folks in here find the sandy hook evidence dubious at best
<9e126bf3> Jones has a bigger platform now and he is in control of it
<5547a085> From an algorithm perspective, I’m interested in observing the scope of voices and the platitudes people take for curiousity sake, I fantasize what those dashboards and tooling look like .. but evil and perverted incentives on these platforms are then trying to control narratives, influence, censor … the greatest minds of our time, a decade of my generations talent pool was exhausted on getting people to click things, capture and maintain attention … fucking wasted potential! Just like its a waste of potential to give oligarchal or hegemonic entities greater narrative control.
<7d56dcb3> i dunno man i don’t see his suggestions on facebook anymore :disappointed:
<9e126bf3> Lots of word of mouth. You just have to pop in at <|>. or use stuff like duck duck go to find heavily censored info
<9e126bf3> People starting to figure out how to get around it. Like ppl in mainland china know how to get stuff theh want online, just takes extra legwork
<5547a085> <@U2S98EDNK> he should, Alex Jones having an audience in an asian market? who really has proposed that? theres only so much time and attention in the day, we need 100x Alex Jones, Assanges, Snowden, “good guys”, when it comes down to it, its a small crowd … I don’t have exact data to know for sure, but based on viewership, its a finite set of “good guys”, and lots of middle platitudes, people are people, theres only so much awareness marketcap to be had
<5547a085> I was watching Kaitlin Bennet’s channel the other day, shes 24! Holding down a viewership, going to colleges, engaging directly, getting spit on, rocks thrown, harrassed … 24 y/o. Completely subsisting on sponsors, donations, etc.
<7d56dcb3> i know some korean right wingers who love AJ… but he’s aussie, so there’s no language barrier… i think the language/cultural barrier is the hardest to bridge….
<8f79fcda> when they scream antisemitism – be like “did you know that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are considered Semitic?” lololol
<5547a085> Shows like Louder with Crowder, hell even podcasts like quoth the raven, tales from the crypt, last american vagabond
<7d56dcb3> yeah but unlike the US, you can’t make up conspiracy theories about the government in china…
<7d56dcb3> well actually, i’m not chinese, so i’m not sure exactly how that works there…
<7d56dcb3> i wanted to say that you can’t criticized the government, but i know for a fact that you can, albeit productively… ie through official channels, etc…
<7d56dcb3> they may not be able to vote… but when people get mad, they get mad… and they get shit done…
<7d56dcb3> it’s like… we have the power of the vote as a release valve for civil discontent… they don’t… so they have to fix their problems in other ways…
<7d56dcb3> like, directly… and i dunno, cuz sometimes i feel like the power of the vote can be somewhat… ineffective in enacting real change…
<7d56dcb3> they may not be a democracy… but they’re not exactly a banana republic either…
<5547a085> All niche. Increasing niche and cottage viewership will probably trend
up. Its a fascinating paradigm, I talk about this alot and its becoming
kind of obsessive, but I’m still amazed by how these platforms work and
the huge swath of participants. The numbers are nuts. The variety of
demographics, generations, market reach is staggering. I remain
skeptical and hard headed on most adoption things, almost nihilist, but
its finally starting to click. I view myself as a simpleton, and if I am
just starting to get the big picture, I know it could be very shocking
to my grandmother, parents, nieces and nephews. Kids. In the 90s there
was satellite internet, with “hundreds of channels” and that was a lot
of info. Moore’s law. Does our consciousness and communicability and
emotional depth apply too? We have almost an alien invasion equivalent
of exposure to … ourselves, like a giant mirror and no pre-existing
establishment or ethos other than the psychedelic landscape and archaic
tropes really can explain how much stronger or larger this picture can
get. But i got shit to do! i can’t be waxing poetic all afternoon.
<5547a085> I think we want to so chinese citizens be conscious, cognizant, able bodied and wielding their personal liberty to the fullest extent as much as anyone
<7d56dcb3> can’t happen unless they become a developed nation first, which funny enough is what we’re trying to stop… lol
<7d56dcb3> keep them from climbing up the “value chain”…
<7d56dcb3> also… there’s enough ignorant normies in america as it is… we should be working on red pilling americans first… before even trying to tackle a foreign adversary…
<7d56dcb3> the msm has way more power and sway over the minds of the average american than does the ccp
<5547a085> Well, what aboutisms, false equivalencies and sarcasm don’t serve to the point, take your time to think out what you want to express, ^ you can see it spurs better discourse :shibe:
<7d56dcb3> yeah but i mean, why worry about chinese msm, when we have our own rogue msm that much closer to home? that we understand way better and can have more informed opinions about?
<7d56dcb3> i will say this though… chinese marxists annoy me… to the point where even mainline chicoms are annoyed by neo-marxists to the point where they even jail them…
<5547a085> This is <#CMC5XC1U0|commiewatch> , the rogue msm could go in <#C5ATH1V08|pol> or <#C0L7GBHE1|conspiracy-facts>
<8f79fcda> Or <#C1AMH1D0S|clownworld> if it’s funny
<5547a085> Though its clear you have distinguishments that are in the process of being sussed out
<7d56dcb3> speaking of commie watch… i was going through my old posts and i found this little gem…
&gt; US colleges are controlled by marxist communists anyway so of course China’s communist leaders would send their children there for a world class education in communism…
— Chinese communist leaders denounce U.S. values but send children to U.S. colleges
— Questions about who pays for study in the United States is fueling perceptions that China’s ruling Community Party is corrupt.

<7d56dcb3> i’m telling you guys… they learned it from us…

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