atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Thu Jul 23 06:45:49 2020
<9e126bf3> They aren’t opposites if you imagine one’s “self” as the collective, aka a divorce of innate feelings of what is right aka the essence of autonomy, cancelled. That’s the thing with these ideologies- they see the self entity at the group level. They philosophically strip away the individual and especially any sense of self determination
<8f79fcda> sounds like they’re self-determined to starve
<8f79fcda> the irony is they’ll probably “magically invent this thing called money” to help them keep track of all their shit lol
<8f79fcda> and then figure out it’s really fucking hard to give value to money
<8f79fcda> or is should say… to make money “powerful”

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