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Anon Ymous

Thu Jul 29 13:48:21 2021
(*67e9b79f*):: I have been monitoring vaccine “news” on almost every day since COVID started, and what i have been seeing lately is alarming.

Door to Door vaccines. The way they presented it was like, Joe Biden lashes out at critics of his door to door vaccine program. But the problem with that narrative was that there were no critics, because nobody knew about his Door to Door vaccine program. So all the headlines are now like, ‘Door to Door vaccine program is working great in Blue City, USA’. they are presenting it as a situation where they just know everyone wants to get the vaccine, but some people just lack access to vaccines. you know, like they tell us how Africans and Indians want vaccines…

normalizing Anti-Vaccine hate. putting out headlines like, “its time to start blaming the unvaccinated” and “pandemic of the unvaccinated”

and I’ve seen some comments that are inciting violence against anyone who is not vaccinated.
NYC, California, Universities, Facebook, Google, VA, have all been rolling out vaccine mandates at the same time.

School will be starting again in a month, and they are already talking about mask mandates regardless of vaccine status. This has been met with some dismissal from several states and school boards who say they will not do mask mandates.

This sets the stage for a more “Federal” response.

lots of people have gone from fence-sitters, who just wanted to wait-and-see, to straight-up anti-vaxxers, who will refuse this vaccine.

theres rumors of UN activity within the USA, and FEMA camps.

Canada is being credibly accused of engaging in genocide

Theres protests all over the world, and yet we aren’t seeing much footage online.

rumors of text messages going to be censored for anti-vaccine wrong think.

people who had previously been pro-vaccine, and got the vaccine, and then had a bad reaction, and are now anti-vaccine, and being censored

people who had previously gone along to get along, are no longer willing to cooperate with mandates.

opinion pages are running headlines like, Its Time To Start Requiring Vaccines

in my estimation, the clowns running the show (WEF Gates et al),
had heavily counted on public support for a COVID vaccine, and that didn’t materialize.
instead, what happened was that anti-vaccine sentiment had gone from 10% before COVID, to about 40% by the time the vaccines were rolled out.
the numbers weren’t going according to plan, so they had to adjust.
for example, there was so much demand for vaccines in the first few months, and they thought demand would last much longer than it did.
they were caught flat-footed when the vaccine demand dried up, and they had to keep switching tactics to try and keep up the pace.
they were having millions of vaccines expire, and they couldn’t give them away fast enough to salvage them all.
now they are going door to door, and they still can’t give them away,
although they claim they are having success doing door to door, so maybe we need to shine a bit spotlight on this vaccine mal-practice
along the way, Fauci tried to bump up the ‘herd immunity’ threshold from 70% to 85%
i suspect Fauci did this in part to make sure that herd immunity was NOT achieved by voluntary vaccines,
thus creating the pretext for calls for the vaccine mandates we are seeing now.
(*67e9b79f*):: +public!

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