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Anon Ymous

Fri Aug 26 15:30:37 2022
(*6952cd93*):: why does it take 17 years and $50 billion to make a rocket to go to the moon when we supposedly already went there multiple times 5 decades ago? Did they have to re-learn rocket science?[…]ive-as-nasa-launches-its-new-50-billion-mega-rocket/ar-AA117sMq +public!

Scientists will assess how future astronauts will experience the stresses of space by measuring how much cosmic radiation mannequins aboard the Orion capsule endured during the test flight.

it’s literally like they never went to the moon or if they did they forgot everything… :thinking_face:
*** The Artemis I moon mission is set for liftoff Monday. Watch live as NASA launches its new $50 billion mega-rocket.
*** Liftoff is scheduled for a two-hour window on Monday, August 29, which begins at 8:33 a.m. ET, according to NASA.
*** MSN

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