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Anon Ymous

Mon Jun 1 21:22:36 2020

<8f79fcda> lol cash cab guy starts a race war? now that’s funny
<8f79fcda> (obv the race war part isn’t where the humor is)
<9e126bf3> Why are people glossing over the fact that these guys knew each other
<9e126bf3> It basically destroys the racial motivation of homicide.
<9e126bf3> Whoops I answered my own question
<8f79fcda> who knew who? ccash cab guy and the officer? or officer and george?
<8f79fcda> you’re saying the officer and george knew eachother?
<9e126bf3> Yes
<9e126bf3> They worked together at the same bar for years
<8f79fcda> :exploding_head:
<9e126bf3> This is being hella suppressed
<8f79fcda> :exploding_head: :exploding_head:
<9e126bf3> It came out like the 3rd day after the murder
<9e126bf3> Yeah this is Jussie Smolette on steroids
<8f79fcda> wowwwww
<8f79fcda> yeah, bigly
<9e126bf3> I’ll go track down some links, running an errand right now. Also, all the cops in that PD are trained in the technique that ended up killing George. That is probably why the PD didnt declare it a homicide
<9e126bf3> And in fact you can see the technique used worldwide, especially Israel and China
<9e126bf3> Also some PDs have training programs where they train with Israeli cops and trade techniques to subdue people
<5547a085> Theres also footage out of the earlier minutes in the areas where Floyd was serious resisting arrest in the back of the cruiser
<5547a085> He had a heart condition, and that is why he died
<5547a085> He also robbed a woman by gun point several years earlier

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