atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Tue Jun 2 23:59:47 2020

<8f79fcda> more people have died from these riots than all of the unarmed black me who were killed by cops in 2019.
<9e126bf3> wow
<8f79fcda> yup. that’s how bad this is. lies on top of lies on top of even bigger lies.
<8f79fcda> more people have died from these riots than all of the unarmed black men who were killed by cops in 2019.
<9e126bf3> One thing I realized is all the problems we are having this year are from bad math and statistics. Covid lockdown hoax, Fed printing trillions, rioting about fake news death statistics
<8f79fcda> yup. all bad math
<8f79fcda> and people don’t question it because it’s math.
<8f79fcda> in the words of <@U07MMSG8M> … false equivalences everywhere
<8f79fcda> and math is racist too apparently
<9e126bf3> man, universe why u so rayciss
<8f79fcda> :sad_pepe:
<8f79fcda> it’s actually more than a math problem
<8f79fcda> it’s a logic problem
<8f79fcda> <>

I made a post about it a while back and maybe people will read it now

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