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Anon Ymous

Tue Jul 14 16:33:05 2020
<9e126bf3> She’s gonna walk after all the blame is put on dead Epstein and the pedo cult will carry on to defraud the election to get the first pedophile in office. Progress!
<5547a085> She is guilty as sin, and personally trafficked thousands of underage young women, up to an including participating in the sex acts herself and psychologically breaking them
<5547a085> She is the crux of international blackmail and extortion
<9e126bf3> Yeah she is, but Obama and Hillary will get destroyed if she goes down, because it will all come out. They’re gonna paint it as some right wing conspiracy promulgated by Trump himself
<5547a085> Including former US president Bill Clinton, former secretary of state hillary clinton, their “daughter” Chelsea, and any foreign nation the Clinton Foundation — as a front for bringing in young boys and girls for sick elitist sex abuse (satanic murder ritual included)
<9e126bf3> these people are into child sacrifice. It’s an international cult. The entire edifice of western civilization could actually fall because of what these people have done
<9e126bf3> yeah dude
<5547a085> Little St. Johns has an underground compound, as does Epsteins New Mexico facility (private air field), New York estate and probably other foreign properties
<5547a085> 24/7/365 train of sin
<5547a085> There is evidence of their using submarines for trafficking of human cargo
<5547a085> The breadth and reach of the decades long campaign is staggering, and the hallmarks are being lit up for casting light on the litany of similar traffickers all their associates — the podesta brothers (leaders of the DNC itself)
<9e126bf3> A firing squad is merciful compared to what these supernatural level evil motherfuckers really deserve
<5547a085> They stand on stages in front of cameras and “press”, in broad daylight and light through their teeth, shielded only by the camouflaged facade Human/Public relations staff and the continual shade cast by how utterly ignorant the general population is on what caliber of evil they truly have perpetrated and will continue to perpetrate
<5547a085> People still think the court systems, police, or federal bodies have some element of “right”, that surely someone somewhere is on them, after them, would catch them, that the righteous can be ever resourceful in the system of laws are based on, when the average person cant even fathom stealing a gallon of milk from the grocery store. Yet they would snipe their children right from them like a harvest. I don’t know how else to paint the picture except that the truth prevails. What did the constitution say about freedom loving individuals fighting this level and scope of crime in the courts, prosecution and law enforcement badges are all compromised?
<5547a085> Not just compromised, but upturned to infact only defend those few sick “elite”, and keep us the tax cattle suppressed in the land of the free and home of the brave

<9e126bf3> It’s not just wayfair either. People have spotted this stuff on Amazon and other merchant sites too. Seems like a ring of insiders in a bunch of different companies.

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