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Anon Ymous

Tue May 14 16:37:02 2024
*** As4Me&MyHouse (@4Me_N_MyHouse) on X
*** BILL GATES & BIRD FLU, PANDEMIC PROFITEERS: Looks like the bird flu was manipulated by gain-of-function in the Athens, GA biolab under a former Gates Foundation scientist. Meanwhile, a Gates Foundation-backed company, CureVac, launched testing of mRNA bird flu vaccines.…
*** X (formerly Twitter)
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(*4e3d9761*):: If what I caught two weeks ago was the bird flu, I can confirm it is indeed a very gnarly sickness. Not going to kill ya, but will ruin your week.
(*4cfb807c*):: +public!

*** The General (@GeneralMCNews) on X
*** BREAKING: Donald Trump warns that the Democrats want to use bird flu to rig the 2024 elections, telling everyone, “We will not comply.”
*** X (formerly Twitter)
(*54b3f3ac*):: just like he didnt comply last time right? :clown_face:
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