atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Mon May 11 18:04:38 2020
<21c2e595> <>
— Colorado restaurant illegally reopens with no social distancing and hundreds of customers
— “We are standing for America, small businesses, the Constitution and against the overreach of our governor in Colorado!!” C&amp;C Coffee &amp; Kitchen wrote on its Twitter account, tagging President Trump.
<21c2e595> yes! we need everyone to do this!^
<21c2e595> theres a vid in there. no one is wearing masks and packed happy customers
<7d56dcb3> i do miss actually eating in restaurants… this eating in my car shit is getting old…
<9e126bf3> just do it bro, there are a few places open in austin already
<21c2e595> shit ive been open. im talking EVERY bar ect needs to do this. this lock down shit is dictatorial. we are not china and need to stop acting like them
<21c2e595> btc loses 8350. wont look to perdy
<21c2e595> might make our way to high 7s. scoopy there <@U03694HFD>?
<9e126bf3> yeah I’m probably gonna start buying there
<21c2e595> took a tiny n ibble on that lil dumpage
<21c2e595> prob wont work out

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