atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Wed May 20 02:54:49 2020
<8f79fcda> i’ll buy some $GBTC if there’s a dip
<9e126bf3> there will be a dip before moon
<8f79fcda> 5500?
<8f79fcda> this is going to be the bear trap to end all bear traps
<8f79fcda> :itsatrap:
<8f79fcda> need some bad news though
<9e126bf3> 6750
<8f79fcda> what do you think it’ll be?
<8f79fcda> you think binance will go under?
<8f79fcda> that’d be fun
<9e126bf3> nah doubt it
<9e126bf3> would be fun to see another gox though
<9e126bf3> there has to be one looming
<8f79fcda> now it’s def gonna moon if you’re saying it has to lol
<8f79fcda> :troll:
<8f79fcda> gosh we have the best emojis
<8f79fcda> really the best
<8f79fcda> i’ve seen other slack emojis
<8f79fcda> and they’re weak and lame
<8f79fcda> :trump_smile:
<5547a085> It’ll be some sharp double wicks
<5547a085> I just got back from a whataburger run, before i left it was getting very compressed in the 9750/9805 range

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