atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Fri Jun 12 16:24:46 2020
<773ab1f1> 1. Possession of the key is required to sign a transaction to move funds. There are two levers a person can use to deny the rightful owner of the funds. The obvious ‘move to another address lever’ that results in the funds being moved to a new address and the less obvious ‘add gas lever’ that results in the funds being claimed by the miners.
2. Assume comprimise of the key by the attacker.
3. The attacker doesn’t want to move the funds thereby elimaniting the need to wash the funds/avoid blacklist addresses.
4. The attacker extorts the victim for method of payment that is chosen by the attacker.
5. The victim is unable to move the funds, because if they try, the attacker will sign a transaction with a higher gas price and submit it in the same block as the victim. That results in effectively freezing the funds under threat of surrendering the funds to the miners.

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