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Anon Ymous

Wed Jul 8 22:02:13 2020
<9e126bf3> dude if education was publicly traded and actually made money, we wouldn’t have broke ass retards running around destroying statues of Frederick Douglass, martyring themselves while playing on highways, all while demanding their schools stay closed and their foreign ass un-deported because class is cancelled
<9e126bf3> I can’t see how universities can ever recover from this, at least not without a major decade long depression in higher education to clean out all the garbage.
<773ab1f1> Stop it I can only get so excited.
<9e126bf3> universities in the pocket of CCP want to stay closed so their marxist students can stay whipped up against the US government…. honestly most of these institutions should end. They are betraying the country and are literally demanding it’s collapse, all while BANKRUPTING EVERYBODY
<773ab1f1> This is my literal dream.
<9e126bf3> Me too :joy:
<773ab1f1> I’ve got a special place of disdain in my heart for universities.
<773ab1f1> Counterrevolution starts at the universities doorsteps.

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