atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Sun Aug 2 23:37:25 2020
<21c2e595> its extremely hypocritical. we dont ban their shit bc we helped them build it to sell products the biggest consumer base on the planet, US. its a political stunt now. the US has been issuing corp bond debt to aid china in circumventing strict capital controls there helping them build all kinds of stupid things, ie ghost cities, probably even tiktok, ect. Our gubment and theirs are _*very*_ much friends and have been for decades. the old saying follow the money applies strongly here. trump showed his hand when he didnt fight the fed on raising the rates, but in fact praised them (well he said it when he was running to get votes and trick ppl but quickly jumped on the low rates train after). Thats the one thing that would fuck chyner and other ~countries~ super corrupt companies (as well as US co’s). its the reason we have such fuckery in the markets atm. i mean think about it. if you can get money for ‘free.’ You can make all the shittiest decisions and have zero accountability bc you can just get another loan to paper over your losses and ~try~ scam again. and if that cost of servicing debt goes up to much, your toast. Thus the reason keeping them near zero or better yet, negative! There is a complete loss of respect for capital. Consumers arnt demanding it and there wont be change until they do. All they demand is free shit, reparations, free rent, more stimulus checks, free medicaid for all, free college and handouts in general. I mean now they have the sheep begging the fed to give them more and dont even think about repercussions. Disgusting.

Henry ford had it right…
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our *banking* and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

thats why fear is marketed to us constantly. to keep the citizens cowardly and subservient. Dont forget consumers DO have the ultimate power. We have just been brainwashed to think we _need_ ‘daddy.’

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