Thu Aug 27 16:42:37 2020
<8f79fcda> Welcome <@URYBDUZN1>!
<9adb41f2> Hey thanks
<9adb41f2> I got this app finally cuz i wanted to ask yall why Gates is so interested in Tiktok. Ive never used it. Dont know nothing about it but god damn he wants it bad. What is the value there for these big players? Like hes bringing walmart on board to help buy it. I dont get it.
<8f79fcda> It’s captured the minds of children… and all of their phone metadata as well
<853f0f69> User acquisition
<853f0f69> Real time video feeds
<853f0f69> Walmart buying is the same thing as Disney owning ESPN or Anheurseur Busch doing theme parks. Gots the money
<9adb41f2> So do these tech giants ever produce anything? Other than slaves?
<8f79fcda> Not really :man-shrugging::skin-tone-3:
<8f79fcda> They steal your attention from you and sell it to the highest bidder through AdWords placement
<8f79fcda> That’s why it’s called “Paying Attention”
<9e126bf3> it’s weird how Walmart and basically all companies are just becoming tech or media companies
<9e126bf3> these are fiefdoms, this is neo-feudalism
<9adb41f2> I wish people would pay their attention to each other irl. They making a sociopathic society.
<9e126bf3> it’s by design. They love sociopathy, it is “efficient”
<9adb41f2> Like the jew ovens
<9e126bf3> commies love talking about how they want to re-educate or murder Trump supporters and capitalists
<9e126bf3> 10million plus dead, they’re happy to do it
<9e126bf3> they don’t even care that millions are already dead in CCP concentration camps
<773ab1f1> The real power in when you combine different datasets. Microsoft can combine tiktok with their other datasets and find a willing partner with walmart (to counter amazon).
<9e126bf3> they love the fact that the coronahoax is set to kill over 100million people around the world in the coming months due to famine and economic depression
<9e126bf3> coronahoax == green new deal == 21st century international communist revolution
<9adb41f2> Gotta admit though, those coders really cracked the social control code. Its as impressive as it is depressing.
<9e126bf3> they sure did
<9e126bf3> but they didn’t get all of us!
<9adb41f2> Or didnt they?…..
<9adb41f2> Its nearly impossible to opt out
<9adb41f2> That is if you still want to participate in society. Have friends family job purpose.
<9e126bf3> well we can still have this conversation, so there’s that lol
<8f79fcda> ComfyWeb 1.0
<853f0f69> Bugs
<9adb41f2> Haha true. Yall are cool
<8f79fcda> Most people are bumbling around in life listless and willing to follow anything that gets them a dopamine hit from likes
<8f79fcda> We’re all guilty of it to a degree
<9adb41f2> I like to imagine everyone getting good CBT just for a couple months. Or emdr. or maybe a little cid in the water.
<8f79fcda> lol yes we have fantasized about that – like the men who stare at goats… LSD in the water supply
<9adb41f2> Or another thing that might help break the chains is a huge fucking disaster as long as its an act of God and not people playing god
<8f79fcda> :pensive: unfortunately true
<9adb41f2> Just a good attitude adjustment. Refocus priorities.
<8f79fcda> Three gorges damn breaking is #1 contender at the moment
<9e126bf3> 3 gorges dam, then solar flare to end 2020
<9e126bf3> 2021 we fight with bows and arrows 🙂
<8f79fcda> We already have UFOs confirmed
<8f79fcda> So that’s just lame now lol
<9adb41f2> GLP is rife with September asteroid doom.
<9adb41f2> Aight im back to work. CU guys L8r