atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Wed Jan 27 17:23:40 2021
(*7d115397*):: <@U8F8V823B> $ZYNE? 🙂
(*67e9b79f*):: The Flying Dutchman is a good name for a tulip stonk
(*af176f96*):: ya that a potential mexico play.
(*af176f96*):: also think of this crazy shit and the implications it could have on new regulations of some sort. which never help[s the lil guy
(*7d115397*):: <@U8F8V823B> $ZYNE? 🙂
(*af176f96*):: just be chillen!
(*7d115397*):: <@U8F8V823B> $ZYNE? 🙂
(*af176f96*):: plx
(*7d115397*):: yeah I’m sure there will be new rules down the pipe to throw a wet blanket on this
(*7d115397*):: <@U8F8V823B> $ZYNE? 🙂
(*7d115397*):: I got out of PLX yesterday. Tempted to just stay in cash but ZYNE looks ripe for a pump
(*7d115397*):: Or actually, the brokerages will just help the hedgies and the SEC doesnt have to do shit
— In Unprecedented Move, TD Ameritrade Puts “Restrictions” On Transactions In GME, AMC
— “We made these decisions out of an abundance of caution amid unprecedented market conditions and other factors.”

(*67e9b79f*):: maybe it should be “short sellers can GFT”
(*67e9b79f*):: lol tfw a bunch of anons literally put td ameritrade at risk
— In Unprecedented Move, TD Ameritrade Puts “Restrictions” On Transactions In GME, AMC
— “We made these decisions out of an abundance of caution amid unprecedented market conditions and other factors.”
(*7d115397*):: Or actually, the brokerages will just help the hedgies and the SEC doesnt have to do shit

(*af176f96*):: yep. retail cannot compete with the banksters man. no matter how much they wwant to believe or how many memes they generate
(*7d115397*):: it’s a big club and we aint in it. But we are in THIS club at least 🙂
(*7d115397*):: lol what are the chances this guy is actually just a rival hedgie +public!

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