atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Sun Feb 2 22:02:02 2020
<403e98f2> better margins for miners.
<8f79fcda> Dash is on the tank
<403e98f2> It’d be interesting to see in a few weeks the hash rate correlations with infection
<8f79fcda> I always thought dash was a Chinese coin
<403e98f2> Reminder set
<8f79fcda> Their governance model is very top-down command and control
<403e98f2> Naw. It’s an Austin Texas coin lol. Got big in South America during the 17 hoolah. I find the dash governance and project proposal aspects way cooler than the coin itself. Check out the project proposal and discussion pages. Interesting
<403e98f2> Also check out the fuck ups and premine issues. I need to find the bitcointalk forum when it launched
<403e98f2> <|>
— CryptoScam #4 – Dash (w/ Fluffy Pony)

— A great podcast by Lets Talk Bitcoin discussing the technology behind Darkcoin,worth a listen if your interested into privacy.
— Posted in r/Bitcoin by u/CryptoMan12 • 36 points and 137 comments

— [ANN][DASH] Dash ( | First Self-Funding Self-Governing Crypto Currency
— [ANN][DASH] Dash (<|>) | First Self-Funding Self-Governing Crypto Currency
<403e98f2> <|> lol and this

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