Tue Feb 4 17:47:14 2020
<21c2e595> <@U03694HFD> imfanning through alot of them. trying to do some fundis on em if able. im thinking there has got to be some value after the sector has been destroyed. also trying to find any stocks related to the psychedelics since that will be a thing. although prob not near as ‘cool’ as weed is
<9e126bf3> shroom stocks!
<9e126bf3> lol I was wondering when weed futures would be a thing. From Aug ’19 <https://www.chicagobusiness.com/finance-banking/cannabis-futures-contracts-coming>
— Cannabis futures contracts coming?
— A firm that tracks wholesale prices in Canada and the U.S. is in talks with a “globally recognized exchange” to start them, its CEO says.
<21c2e595> CME and ICE didnt even comment on that^ prob a ways away id guess. We prob see ETH futures before weed ones lol