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Anon Ymous

Wed Aug 19 15:36:34 2020
<853f0f69> Damn this can go in several channels.
<853f0f69> The Riady relationship with Clinton stems from the early 1980s, when family patriarch Mochtar Riady’s Lippo Group bought a minority interest in the Arkansas-based Worthen Bank. Riady dispatched his son James to learn the banking business in Little Rock. Soon after arriving, young Riady was introduced to then-Gov. Clinton at a Worthen luncheon.

James Riady attended a key Oval Office meeting on Sept. 13, 1995, when Clinton approved the transfer of former Lippo executive John Huang, who had been working in a sub-Cabinet Commerce Department position, to a DNC fund-raising post. In another Oval Office meeting with Clinton in September 1996, Riady lobbied for favorable trade relations with China.

<853f0f69> The report says that $200,000 of the $400,000 given to the Democrats by Sioeng and his family was “funded by transfer from overseas accounts.”

The committee, which has no authority to compel production of foreign bank records, said it traced the money to “Hong Kong but no further.”

Fucking limited pieces of…
<853f0f69> all six of those cited in the report had either stayed abroad or declined to testify before the committee. In addition, the report noted that China “has denied the committee’s request for assistance.”

Hmmm dejavu? College professors,virus researches…
<853f0f69> <|>: Campaign Finance Special Report

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