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Anon Ymous

Thu Sep 8 19:15:43 2022
(*3bd42332*):: But but didn’t you hear “Life has a liberal bias”
(*6952cd93*):: lol I remember people always saying that in college. I fell for the leftist horseshit bc I didn’t fit in with YCT (the most hated group on campus- young conservatives of texas) and wanted to get laid. But even then I couldn’t make sense of that phrase people would parrot around
(*6952cd93*):: look at this piece of fake ass news. Media already declares a “decisive” election victory for leftist criminal Lula ahead of time then trash Bolsonaro for daring to complain about a rigged election and suggests he will use J6 as a model when he loses :clown_face: +public!
*** Echoing Trump, Brazil’s president prepares for election loss by declaring vote rigged
*** Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro summoned his supporters into the streets to challenge the voting system ahead of October’s election.

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