atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Mon May 18 15:31:35 2020
<773ab1f1> We watch one film a week selected by a new person each time. The person that selects the film has to ‘present’ which just means talk about the film for 5-10 minutes. Anything they are passionate about. Story, symbolism, set, characters, business. Anything.
<8f79fcda> That’s cool!
<773ab1f1> Its good clean fun, there are a couple of guys that join with their girlfriends, it lasts about an hour. Lmk if you want a whatsapp link
<773ab1f1> we have met maybe 8 times
<773ab1f1> our prime directive is to have fun. You don’t even need to watch the movie to come hang, although it helps

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