atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Fri Aug 21 14:53:20 2020
<773ab1f1> Those guys just all seem so confused
<773ab1f1> Thats what populism looks like on the left I guess
<773ab1f1> If the populists on the left and populists on the right ever start to realize that they have a lot more in common than they share in differences, the establishment should be extremely concerned
<9e126bf3> ancap :handshake: ancom
<773ab1f1> May I humbly suggest the first thing the populist mob seize is the cloud data centers
<773ab1f1> They could bring the economy down in one swoop
<9e126bf3> fight club!
<773ab1f1> You gotta wonder what kind of physical security those kind of places have
<773ab1f1> and can they protect themselves from a 15,000 person mob. I suspect not
<9e126bf3> it’s probably not great. Seems like in a proper war, the data centers will be the first to go down
<773ab1f1> The CTO of google spoke about this in their 2017 keynote
<773ab1f1> He said ‘I imagine a day when wars are fought over data’
<773ab1f1> The question I haven’t heard anyone ask yet though is, what happens during a revolution?

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