atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Sun Mar 1 03:10:45 2020
<5547a085> Everything about my starcrsft strat was area denial of all land and breach points, securing a massive mineral supply and then amassing as many carriers as possible to form two fleets, then flank and eradicate everyone else on the map
<5547a085> While mercilessly shit talking the other players
<5547a085> There is really no reason a protoss carrier couldnt be emulated, but there’s no shield technology: something like a portable iron dome could be used to deny air to air and surface to air missiles, but hypersonic would still get through, also laser weaponry
<5547a085> For anti-personel, I think a lokust-like fleet of drones is terrifyingly possible
<5547a085> Especially given the portable and rapid deployment nature … Its too sophisticated for most adversaries
<9e126bf3> imagine the horrific buzzing sound you would hear right before lights out :joy::skull_and_crossbones:

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