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Anon Ymous

Sun May 22 20:05:54 2022
(*cfaf6bd4*):: +public! Best Muse song. Ever
*** MUSE – COMPLIANCE [Official Music Video]

*** YouTube

(*cfaf6bd4*):: “‘Compliance’ is about submission to authoritarian rules and reassuring untruths to be accepted to an in-group,” Matt Bellamy said of the song. “Gangs, governments, demagogues, social media algorithms and religions seduce us during times of vulnerability, creating arbitrary rules and distorted ideas for us to comply with. They sell us comforting myths, telling us only they can explain reality while simultaneously diminishing our freedom, autonomy and independent thought.”

“We are not just coerced, we are herded, frightened and corralled to produce a daily ‘2 minutes of hate’ against an out-group of their choosing and to turn a blind eye to our own internal voice of reason and compassion,” Bellamy continued. “They just need our Compliance.”

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