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Anon Ymous

Mon Aug 12 02:23:43 2024
*** Trump falsely accuses Harris campaign of fabricated AI crowd photos -…
*** archived 11 Aug 2024 22:54:09 UTC
(*9d3f0a89*):: Not sure who to believe ….

(*9d3f0a89*):: Man .. I will say trump is lol. He keeps going on and on about her cheating. He’s trying hard to get people believing that is the game that is important to him. Crowd size. Or maybe it really is that important to him but definitely he conveys the game is about crowd size.
(*4297a328*):: I did see some harris campaign photoshops that didnt reflect the crowd onto the airplane behind her
(*4297a328*):: This too lends to how fake the whole thing is
*** Fake crowd +public!
*** Fake crowd +public!
*** Fake crowd +public!
*** Fake crowd +public!
(*9d3f0a89*):: Yea Harris people weren’t thinking when they posted that on CL. Gosh caught again by the eagle eyed pawns of the 4d chess player they realized.
*** Fake crowd +public!

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