Tue Apr 28 06:37:34 2020
<8f79fcda> <https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/04/27/one-ping-only/|https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/04/27/one-ping-only/>
— One Ping Only…
— “relatively speaking”…
Notice how President Trump always says: “you’d have been at war with North Korea”. Notice how President Trump doesn’t say: “you’d have been at war with Kim Jong-un”.
Again, this has always looked like one of the most complex geopolitical hostage rescue operations in history. China controls the DPRK, which includes the entire military apparatus in/around control over the North Korean people.
The world presents North Korea as a rogue regime without noticing/admitting that in reality North Korea is a proxy province of China.
Chairman Xi is the captor.
Chairman Kim is the captive.
President Trump is the hostage rescuer…. and so they dance.
POTUS knows the status of Kim; both Kim and Trump have discussed the dynamic. Chairman Xi doesn’t like the Kim and Trump relationship; because it has disrupted the entire purpose of the DPRK as a proxy province providing Beijing plausible deniability.
And so it goes…
“Relatively speaking” of course.