atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Thu May 28 16:58:09 2020
<8f79fcda> the cop isn’t out on bail? no arraignment yet i guess
<8f79fcda> then this is just silly
<8f79fcda> everyone is stupid in this circumstance
<773ab1f1> He hasn’t been arrested
<773ab1f1> yet
<8f79fcda> :thinking_face:
<8f79fcda> so the theory is that the cops have evidence that he dindu nuffin (within the parameters of his job… ignoring “excessive force” etc.), and the protesters are saying he did something wrong (plausible)
<773ab1f1> I think just cops are harder to prosecute. While if you or me did it, theyd fucking smoke us. Bury us under the jail and worry about it later
<8f79fcda> i’ve seen doctored/misleading footage from a news outlet so i don’t know what the facts of the case are
<773ab1f1> Its pretty bad
<773ab1f1> like, stone cold murder while being yelled at by bystanders ‘you are murdering him’
<8f79fcda> yea, cops are somewhat harder to prosecute because the root of their intent is to enforce the law
<8f79fcda> (in theory)
<8f79fcda> yeesh
<773ab1f1> Fully restrained, shackled, on the ground, slo mo 8 minute execution
<773ab1f1> for a forged check
<8f79fcda> oh shit
<8f79fcda> banks are really cracking down on fraud i guess
<8f79fcda> (that was dark humor btw)
<773ab1f1> The mayor has even called for the DA to charge him.
<773ab1f1> Its difficult to see how at least some of these guys won’t see a jail cell.
<773ab1f1> They stopped putting up with this shit from cops in dallas and in ft worth
<8f79fcda> well that’s shitty
<8f79fcda> injustice all around

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