atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Fri May 29 14:16:40 2020
<8f79fcda> i guess i have to DL snapchat?
<773ab1f1> Yea man, its pretty worth it though
<773ab1f1> its also super hard to access in the app cause it doesn’t tell you how
<773ab1f1> Swipe down on that screen

<8f79fcda> that is pretty cool
<773ab1f1> Oh yea dude, 100 years ago before lockdown changed everything I would sometimes pull it up on friday night and see what was going down in the city if I wanted to get into something.
<773ab1f1> Saturday/Sunday morning is especially funny, cause you can see everyone shit canned drunk dancing like idiots in the clubs
<773ab1f1> But yea, maybe you find a concert in a park. Maybe you say ‘oh shit dias de la muertos festival downtown’ and go get in some shit

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