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Anon Ymous

Mon May 4 02:49:55 2020
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— What major events happened in 1971 – Answers
— UN China is admitted to the United Nations UN Scotland Ibrox disaster in Scotland when 66 die in stairway crush at Rangers v Celtic football match U.S. A new stock market index called the Nasdaq debuts India Border battles between India and Pakistan erupt into full-scale war when India invades East Pakistan ( Now Bangladesh ) in support of the independence movement U.S. Sylmar earthquake hits the San Fernando Valley area of California. Peru Peru Earthquake results in the destruction of the town of Chungar, Peru, and the death of most of the towns people UK Decimalisation in United Kingdom and Ireland both switch to decimal currency. UK Education Secretary Margaret Thatcher’s ( “Thatcher The Milk Snatcher”. ) ends free school milk for children over the age of seven in the UK UK IRA Bomb Post Office Tower in London U.S. The Voting Age in the United States is lowered to 18 yrs old when the 26th Amendment to the US constition is ratified Available as a downloadable image on our US Constitution Public Domain Images Page U.S. Prison riot and prisoners take hostages at Attica Prison in New York, resulting in the death of 10 hostages and 29 inmates. U.S. The U.S. Supreme Court upholds School Busing Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education 402 U.S Switzerland Women are granted the right to vote in Switzerland U.S. Amtrak created to provide US inter city passenger train services. Sicily Mount Etna erupts Japan Tsunami 85 m high rises over Ryukyu Islands in Japan U.S. Harris public opinion poll claims that 60% of Americans are against the war in Vietnam India Tsunami in the Bay of Bengal in Orissa State in India kills 10,000. U.S. The Walt Disney World Resort opens in Florida on October 21st China The US table tennis team visits to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) known as “Ping Pong Diplomacy” World Greenpeace formally comes into existence. U.S. Federal Express is started by Fred Smith UK Thousands protest against the British government’s new industrial relations Bill. Australia Australia and New Zealand Announce Pull Out Of Troops from Vietnam U.S. Cigarette Advertising Ended on Television in USA Scotland A fatal stampede at Glasgow Soccer Game U.S. In an attempt to control inflation President Richard M. Nixon implements 90 day freeze on wages and prices, he also removed the gold/silver backing from the US Dollar Uganda Major General Idi Amin takes control of Uganda soon to become one of the worst and most notorious dictators of modern times UK Following Public Concern Over Immigration in the UK, a new Immigration Bill stops Commonwealth citizens automatic entry U.S. Following on from the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, National Public Radio (NPR) broadcasts for the first time in April 1971 Northern Ireland Problems in Northern Ireland continue as rioting increases as part of the IRA campaign to end British Government Rule. U.S. The New York Times begins to publish sections of the Pentagon Papers showing the US Government had been lying to the American People. Quatar Qatar Gains Independence From Great Britain Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Gains Independence From Great Britain U.S. Charles Manson and three of his followers receive the death penalty

<8f79fcda> Shocker – China admitted to WTO

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