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Anon Ymous

Wed Jun 10 16:26:51 2020
<8f79fcda> That vegan
<8f79fcda> This is the funniest thing to come from the whole charade
<9e126bf3> The socialist gun club I was wondering about is posted up at the commune now apparently <>
— Democrat leaders in Seattle encourage Antifa-led violence and chaos
— Antifa militants from the John Brown Gun Club set up the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” complete with barricades, guards armed with AR 15’s and signs saying “you are now leaving the USA.”

<8f79fcda> Insurrection boogaloo time I suppose
<9e126bf3> at a certain point they cross into military combatant territory if they are declaring spaces not part of the USA anymore without a treaty… that’s an invading force capturing land and placing a flag on it
<8f79fcda> Yup. Let a few more crop up and then crush them all
<8f79fcda> They them have play time
<8f79fcda> And then they want to fight the most powerful force on the planet
<8f79fcda> They’re worried about optics and narrative
<8f79fcda> Here’s a narrative: Violent Radical Communists removed from USA and order has been restored to the United States
<9e126bf3> the only problem is if they can get military units to defect and join them and bring hardware. Super unlikely now but if they grow and consume Seattle it is possible. And commies consuming Seattle isn’t that much of a stretch. City council will just join them

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