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Anon Ymous

Thu Jul 23 06:29:16 2020
<8f79fcda> Isn’t he the one that told the police to stand down? Lol that some poetry right there
<8f79fcda> <|>
— GOOD NEWS! Sen. Ted Cruz Introduces “Reclaim Act” — Provides Restitution to Victims of Violent Leftist Mobs at Autonomous Zones
— Senator Ted Cruz introduced the Reclaim Act on Wednesday. The legislation would allow for treble damages, enabling plaintiffs in autonomous zones to recover triple the amount of actual damages caused to his or her property that were sustained as a result of rioting. RELEASE: Sen. Cruz Introduces Bill to Hold Local Officials Liable For Allowing…

<7586da61> <@U036M05JL> maybe…. Minneapolis mayo might be who you’re thinking of
<7586da61> He let them destroy a police station
<8f79fcda> He’s kinda shown what side of the line he is on

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