atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Wed Aug 5 16:39:37 2020
<5547a085> I saw some of these fuckers at target yesterday
<5547a085> I’m calling it right now: dye-d haired, bad attitude, little punk asses with an unknowing/vacant look in their early 20s
<5547a085> Going through target in a pack of 5-6 people, 4 girls, 3 guys
<5547a085> The old 80s punk credos ORIGINALLY was a soviet invention
<5547a085> The ramones/sex pistols were perported to have been funded by foreign intelligence
<5547a085> Then look at the teen vogue thread/Conde Nast media, where it is saturated the most and think about the single-parent children it is meant to target and shape into useful idiots
<5547a085> Dog faced pony soldiers being lined up for mayhem, who will over the next several years escalate into shaped criminal elements
<9e126bf3> class consciousness -&gt; race consciousness … we could turn into a full blown soviet state in 10 years if this doesn’t slow down
<9e126bf3> marxism hitting critical mass through targeted psy ops
<5547a085> The most blood letting was in the beginning because no one did anything about it
<5547a085> All the hallmarks are present, especially after I looked into the SRA stuff — each of these are dumb cells of dyed hair-ed ripped clothes early 20s kids training to fire on people at a distance with rifles purchased through the member donation and their parents money
<9e126bf3> dog faced pony soldiers are general Meat Puppet Biden’s zombie army
<5547a085> I’ve seen them in Dreamers parking lot on i35 too, wearing the characteristic X’d out swastika on a jacket with a bunch of patches
<5547a085> Group of 4-5, only ever 1 or 2 dudes

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