atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Mon Jun 1 23:19:33 2020
<9e126bf3> Man…. more Frisco TX bricks

<9e126bf3> Insane
<8f79fcda> Report on facebook as “free”
<773ab1f1> <> weimar street theater
<8f79fcda> i wish they had an Abrams tank and just fired a pot-shot into the ocean lol

<773ab1f1> <> holy shit all the way to the burbs
<773ab1f1> Honestly, I hope the protesters do put an end to the police brutality. I can certainly rally behind that.
<773ab1f1> What I can not tolerate, even for a second, is radical left ideology as it relates to communism/anarchism
<773ab1f1> What I am _extremely_ disgusted in is the response from blue checkmark twitter
<8f79fcda> legitimate grievances got hijacked by the sorosian gang
<9e126bf3> they have no intention of erasing police brutality, they want to use it against classes of people they don’t like
<773ab1f1> Its apparent transfix
<8f79fcda> yea, they’ve been the worst
<773ab1f1> Like, the conspiracies are true
<773ab1f1> Anything to ship in radical gay space communism
<773ab1f1> I wish it wasn’t that bad. I would have argued at one point it wasn’t that bad. But it really is
<773ab1f1> I wish the protesters would work over a few of the antifa terrorists and push them to the front. Let them be exposed. Darkness is critical to their MO. Come to the light. Show us your face.
<8f79fcda> to answer you query earlier… why dallas/texas? lots of guns and rednecks who hate commies even more than us…
<8f79fcda> they chose it because it’s the most likely place for someone to get shot…
<8f79fcda> from civilian to civilian.
<8f79fcda> that’s what they really want. MSM would prefer interracial hate crime but… beggers can’t be choosers in this situation

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