February 14, 2020
Anon Ymous
Fri Feb 14 17:33:58 2020
<0cbed65e> hi
<0cbed65e> vinterheaven: did you figure out why it was not working to connect via nmdcs:// to this hub?
<0cbed65e> most clients dont set default port to 411 when connecting via other protocols than dchub://
<0cbed65e> it means in url you have to specify :411 at the end
<0cbed65e> transfix: in your motd in hublist info, could you please change url protocol to https:// ?
<0cbed65e> also i can create custom id for your hub so you avoid id, in case it will ever change
<0cbed65e> te-home.net/?do=hublist&id=paladin =)
<0cbed65e> also you can create ssl certificate for your domain, that way users who put it into their “certificates” folder in client, will get “secure” status in their client aswell
<0cbed65e> i have a special place to store certificate files on te hublist
<0cbed65e> so you dont even need to host it, only update it once a year or so
<0cbed65e> otherwise its really nice to see people actually trying secure nmdc in verlihub =)
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