atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Thu Feb 24 23:02:52 2022
(*54b3f3ac*):: thats a sheeet load of ppl
(*54b3f3ac*):: where the fuck you at booooi!?
(*4cfb807c*):: How do Poles feel about Ukrainians? Are they traditionally good neighbors
(*4cfb807c*):: That’d be my first intended exit path compared to the other neighboring choices
(*4cfb807c*):: What’s the best choice for these Ukrainians with the urge/panic to leave the country. Is staying in place a better choice?
(*4cfb807c*):: Context:

(*4cfb807c*):: Nvm flee:
*** US Sending More “Defensive Weapons” To Ukraine As Russia Readies New Wave Of Attacks
*** Kiev touts that it’s arming a local resistance…
*** ZeroHedge

(*4cfb807c*):: Its going to get much bloodier things like this proceed
(*4cfb807c*):: The longer it goes on, the worse it will get. The administration is choosing provocations with the intent of publicizing/painting Russia in the most villainous light possible, then false flag or over attacks on NATO/us, then escalation escalation escalation. The market pain is not over.
(*4cfb807c*):: (Generally and speculatively I say these things, based on less than 24 hours of reviewing the info coming to me through my phone, $0.02)
(*4cfb807c*):: At this end of it, ironically Germany may be solely funding the Russians if there isn’t some other significant trade deal with China. War is expensive and Russia’s entire military budget is estimated to be 80B. In comparison, the sole US intelligence budget is 80B alone.
(*0da15217*):: Romania is making a comeback and will leave this conflict with much international respect. +public! Roma
(*4cfb807c*):: The plan is also probably to distract US intervention by major provocation in Taiwan

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