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Anon Ymous

Fri Feb 25 04:29:50 2022
(*4cfb807c*):: How do Poles feel about Ukrainians? Are they traditionally good neighbors
(*f763ed18*):: Long history.


The polish city of lyviv was taken by Soviet’s and Ukraine in 40s
(*6952cd93*):: if I was in Austin rn I’d be at russia house drunk on vodka waiting for an argument to break out lmao
(*6952cd93*):: last time I was at Russia House late I met this cute Israeli :longnose: waitress there that showed me her Hamas rocket shrapnel keychain and complained about arguing with Palestinian customers earlier that night
(*6952cd93*):: love that place :heart:
(*0da15217*):: +public!

*** Russia Told Ukrainian Guards to Surrender. They Replied ‘Go F*ck Yourself.’
*** The Ukrainian president said he would be issuing the posthumous honor “Hero of Ukraine” to the 13 soldiers who died defending a tiny island in the Black Sea.
*** The Daily Beast

(*f763ed18*):: Tanks rolling towards Kyiv,
Ukrainian forces blowing up their bridges to prevent machinery

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