atx crypto club

Day: January 1, 2020


<5547a085> Those sad fucks <5547a085> $0 is a pretty good deal


<9e126bf3> capitalism! :face_with_monocle:


<d3f496ca> &lt;|; <d3f496ca> Did you guys know <d3f496ca> You can rent a gamer girl now


<5547a085> I think BSV will earn its price back up to 200 easily enough


<403e98f2> I could go for a &#8220;Boring 20s&#8221;


<09ed3757> Prediction threads for 2020? <09ed3757> Bsv is testing 100$ again <09ed3757> Bsv to $1000 by the end of the year


<9e126bf3> :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


<9e126bf3> :stoned:merry 2020! :chart_with_upwards_trend: :rocket: :moon: :doge:


<d3f496ca> Happy New Year, peeps!


<09ed3757> &lt;|;


<5547a085> &lt;!here&gt; happy new yearz everyone!!!!! <5547a085> 2020! May your vision and focus be clear and on point this year!


<09ed3757> Happy New Years y&#8217;all <09ed3757> Hello Ronan


<40112834> Thanks icky for the invite! Hola Crypto Amigos! Happy MMXX to all.


<5547a085> Welcome &lt;@US896JRRD&gt;


<502edbb8> Thanks for coming out!


<09ed3757> This is t written correctly <09ed3757> MultiCultural != multiethnic <09ed3757> (Niggas I&#8217;m so fuckin woke :weary:) <09ed3757> <09ed3757>

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