atx crypto club

Day: February 29, 2020


Sat Feb 29 23:27:55 2020 <d666283b> <!channel> Washington state under emergency Seattle on lockdown


Sat Feb 29 23:14:09 2020 <8f79fcda> Don’t give them any ideas lol


Sat Feb 29 22:44:59 2020 <643f1644> Make it so


Sat Feb 29 21:53:31 2020 <9e126bf3> why not just turn on some more bitcoin miners? <> — China Orders Owners Of Closed Factories To Boost Electricity Usage, Pretend Economy Is Back To Normal — … or else they will get a “visit” if they fail to consumer 3000 kWh of electricity by midnight.


Sat Feb 29 21:35:23 2020 <5547a085> I know a persnickity legal woman who can blast legalise at targets


Sat Feb 29 21:28:26 2020 <9e126bf3> the tax man cometh <> — When IRS Asks About Cryptocurrency On Your Taxes, Answer Carefully — Did you do any crypto in 2019, yes or no? If you check no, but IRS later finds it, you could face big trouble. You have to answer and file under penalties […]


Sat Feb 29 21:20:10 2020 <9e126bf3> <> — Physicists Have Filmed The Moment an Atom Undergoes a Quantum Measurement — Before it’s observed, an electron is a hot mess of possibility. Just like the metaphorical Schrödinger’s cat, it’s only once we lift the lid from its metaphorical box and take a good, close look that […]


Sat Feb 29 21:14:00 2020 <643f1644> <|> — The Red Coast <643f1644> ^ corona virus stream starting at 4pm CST


Sat Feb 29 21:01:31 2020 <643f1644> I like to call that graph the stairway to heaven


Sat Feb 29 20:58:07 2020 <643f1644> <@U07MMSG8M> I’ve been mulling that idea the past few days <643f1644> The city of Austin should at least provide transparency about their risk mgmt and mitigations <643f1644> My initial thoughts are a <|> petition <643f1644> Somebody want to start it?


Sat Feb 29 20:10:47 2020 <9e126bf3> Protoss has it down <>


Sat Feb 29 20:00:48 2020 <9e126bf3> You can’t really blame him IMO- the Fed and modern economics created this mentality. The real lesson of the Big Short is what happened after: not that shit will crash but that you can count on markets getting bailed out and hitting new highs after without much fundamentally changing […]


Sat Feb 29 19:05:04 2020 <8f79fcda> In the words of Obama: yes we can


Sat Feb 29 18:56:59 2020 <5547a085> Can we lobby for sxsw to be cancelled? Businesses would suffer, but its a good precaution


Sat Feb 29 18:30:25 2020 <8f79fcda> lol make me suffer


Sat Feb 29 16:36:21 2020 <773ab1f1> Dude I had a convo with a 28 year old SMU grad finance bro at the bar last night. <773ab1f1> I was like ‘so whats the deal dude, that market drop, the equity market lookin a bit frothy no?’ <773ab1f1> He was like ‘not at all, its goin back […]


Sat Feb 29 16:43:18 2020 <5547a085> Lol politicize plague prep why don’t you

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