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Anon Ymous

Fri Apr 17 21:58:58 2020
<d666283b> IMO Bill Gates is one of the greatest, if not greatest business executives of all times, has contributed greatly to technological innovations and has spent the last 20 years trying to prevent infectious diseases globally.

Ive been to the Bill and Melinda Gates Museum in Seattle and I’m confident to say the been focused on all of those efforts since it’s inception.

And I would say the difference in viruses today can millions of years ago is globalization.

I don’t know shit about biology but it seems a vaccine is a safer method that naturally establishing herd immunity

I definitely understand resentment leftover from the 90s when he was incentivized by his shareholders to be a dickhead but I really doubt he has some master scheme for technocratic take over

And you’re talking to the paranoid conspiracy guy

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