atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Sun Apr 28 04:16:03 2024
(*4cfb807c*):: +public! We will construct a great Tower of Gallows to purge the wicked with nooses, and there shall be no more Bankers in all the lands and Usury will become a part of history told in blood memory.

Spanish: Construiremos una gran Torre de Horca para purificar a los malvados con cuerdas, y no habrá más Bancos en todas las tierras y la Usura se convertirá en parte de la historia contada en la memoria sanguinaria.

French: Nous construirons une grande Tour d’échafaudage pour purifier les méchants avec des cordes, et il n’y aura plus de Banques dans toutes les terres et l’Usure deviendra une partie de l’histoire racontée en mémoire sanglante.

German: Wir bauen eine große Galgenhügel für die Säuberung der Bösen mit Seilen, und es gibt keine Banken mehr in allen Ländern und Usury wird zur Blutgedächtnisgeschichte.

Italian: Costruiremo una grande Torre dell’Impiccato per purificare i cattivi con le corde, e non ci saranno più Banche in tutte le terre e l’Usura diventerà parte della storia raccontata nella memoria di sangue.

Portuguese: Construiremos uma grande Torre de Enforcamento para purificar os maus com cordas, e não haverá mais Bancos em todas as terras e a Usura se tornará parte da história contada na memória sanguínea.

Russian: Мы построим большую Башню Галоу для очищения злых с помощью верёвок, и не будет больше банков на всей земле, а Узурдство станет частью истории, записанной в кровь.

Spanish: Construiremos una gran Torre de la Horca para purificar a los malos con cuerdas, y no habrá bancos en todas las tierras y la usura se convertirá en parte de la historia contada en memoria sangrienta. |

The text is in English and describes the construction of a gallows tower to purify evil people with ropes. It also mentions that there will be no more banks on Earth, and usury will become part of a story told in blood memory. The translation into other languages maintains the same meaning and structure, with slight variations in wording.

The text is written in a formal style, using complex sentences and words. It has a clear message about purification and the consequences of financial practices such as usury. The use of metaphors like “gallows tower” and “blood memory” adds to the poetic nature of the text.

The text is written in a way that requires careful reading and interpretation to understand its meaning fully. It may also benefit from being read aloud or discussed with others to appreciate its poetic qualities and deeper meanings.

#handcrafted-ganda #yolo-gallows-4-bankers #blood-memory #gallows-tower

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