atx crypto club

Author: Anon Ymous


<75f07d61> &lt;|;


<5547a085> &lt;|;


<9e126bf3> <5547a085> God damn it &lt;@UCSR5G9B3&gt; not cool <9e126bf3> Posts to the site are backlogged bc php is barfing over a large video attachment lol


<09ed3757> I&#8217;m excited to see what comes of it <09ed3757> Cuz that would be amazing <09ed3757> Probs give pelos a coronary


<9e126bf3> BTC looks like its about to break out to the upside <9e126bf3> 7600


<09ed3757> &lt;|;


<5547a085> Lol the more poignant memes are always the best


<502edbb8> <502edbb8> I don’t know if that is real or not yet, but if it is, it is one of the craziest things ive ever seen


<9e126bf3> Ground control to Major Tom, I think my mind was beamed to the wrong solar system :hypnotoad:


<5547a085> I think the plan is to travel into space via 5G and 6G repeaters as cybernetic avatars


<403e98f2> Space force will take us deep down the xor graphs of cyber space. <403e98f2> And meat space

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