atx crypto club

Author: Anon Ymous


<09ed3757> &lt;|; <09ed3757> Barely electable drunkard.


<502edbb8> &lt;; The debate continues


<403e98f2> Bitcoin has 2 options: (1) Make every output dirty. Kind of a reverse fungability. Dirty all the coins so they are forced to use tainted sats. Ideally a miner would payout via coinjoins to start. But otherwise everyone should go to a dark market, create an address and send coins there, then return them. […]


<5547a085> Omg that’s too good <5547a085> This is a brave new world <5547a085> Why the eff dont I invest in my own imagination more, this gives me so many ideas


<502edbb8> &lt;@UM0TYPAQ5&gt; &lt;; &amp;lt;— heads up. I doubt you can make it, but keep an eye on these guys, maybe they post some webcasts


<403e98f2> I believe Dallas was breached and hasn’t disclosed / covering it up. I started collecting evidence a few weeks ago but decided to wait till beginning of the year. That has changed now and I’m frantically trying to scrape and back up their data <403e98f2> <403e98f2> <403e98f2> Scheduled System Maintenance may impact DWU payment […]


<403e98f2> &lt;;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf&gt;


<403e98f2> &lt;;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf&gt;


<9e126bf3> Where yall at? Here with &lt;@UCSR5G9B3&gt; and friend


<403e98f2> &lt;; Talk pages are where it’s at


<502edbb8> First I heard of this &lt;|;


<502edbb8> It goes back and forth. The analogy I liked best was the IED bombs in iraq <502edbb8> sometimes measures developed by terrorists put them ahead, then the US would develop counter measures and they would be ahead, then the terrorists would adapt <502edbb8> It just seems like a few things came together and blue […]


<9e126bf3> Trump and Fed QE are the only things propping up markets right now <9e126bf3> when either one goes away the collapse will be epic


<09ed3757> &lt;|;


<09ed3757> Is anyone thinking that anti-trump news pumps crypto markets, and pro-trump news dumps the markets? Conversely, equity markets pump on trump good news, and dump on trump bad news? <09ed3757> Is trump (and Americal) the leading indicator for the markets? <09ed3757> Trumpometer <09ed3757> In theory, 2020 election (volatility) could trigger the run-up to 100k […]

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