atx crypto club

Author: Anon Ymous


<09ed3757> fwiw, slack now has dark theme


<09ed3757> Regardless, at best, the tech is opaque to them and if you look at the headlines, it is &#8220;funny money&#8221;


<09ed3757> They don&#8217;t care <09ed3757> Fact is they don&#8217;t understand that we (specifically this group) is probably one of the only groups in crypto land that aren&#8217;t delusional about the implications of crypto and aware of how crypto could/would/does affect our Quality of life in America


<5547a085> Man this assassination really shines a light on the two faced anti-American dipshits in media, offering a eulogy the day-of … thoughtlessly emotionally deranged losers


<09ed3757> Technically Iran has always been in Holy War bugaloo throwdown since the shah of Iran took over in the 70&#8217;s… so… yes, but also no <40112834> Massenvernichtungs wurden nicht gefunden Iraq. Funny watching MassNewsCorp find fault with precision decapitation strike. ‘Murica. <09ed3757> Dickshot ftw <9e126bf3> :feelsgood: <5547a085> We fucked them hard going all the […]


<9e126bf3> Lol been there multiple times. If you don’t take big Ls every once in a while, are you even trading bro?


<21c2e595> i rekon they got dem der wepuns uf mas desctruktshun!


<5547a085> It wants to <21c2e595> did we just officially kick off the iran war last night?


<5547a085> Quoth the Raven: Quoth the Raven #166 – Sang Lucci &amp;amp; QTR: Destroying Your Trading Account And Going Broke &lt;|; <5547a085> Great listen for everyone trading


<5547a085> Hah that’s sweet <5547a085> My parents still think it’s a gimmick, whenever they turn is a real signal that I need to cash out lol


<09ed3757> Consulted with the head of cedar Sinai hospital in LA about that exact thing <09ed3757> &lt;@UCSR5G9B3&gt; could make a shirt ton of money building ICS systems for hospitals <09ed3757> &lt;@UCSR5G9B3&gt; pm me on it and I&#8217;ll see if I can make something happen


<502edbb8> Here pretty soon someone is gonna hit a hospital and operations will freeze and people will die <502edbb8> Thats gonna be a watershed moment.


<09ed3757> Credit goes to my mom for that one if I&#8217;m real honest


<09ed3757> Maybe it&#8217;s those fucking robocall phone operators <09ed3757> Potentially good guy hacker


<09ed3757> HAPPY BIT DAY TO YOU HAPPY BIT DAY TO YOU HAPPY BIT DAY TO BITCOIN HAPPY BIIIIIT DAAAAAYYYY TOOOOO YOOUUUUUU <5547a085> :musical_score: Aaaaand many mooooore :musical_note:


<502edbb8> &lt;; ransomware incident amounts to a head shot for this business.

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