atx crypto club

Author: Anon Ymous


<21c2e595> thats sure is a beautiful distribution pattern on the NYSE firms tho. ohhh china! <502edbb8> check out ‘inside the mind of bill’ on netflix for more gates goodness


<502edbb8> &lt;;amp;cd=1&amp;amp;hl=en&amp;amp;ct=clnk&amp;amp;gl=us&gt; this is prob not news to you more learned economics guys, but it was news to me


<403e98f2> True. When HTC rallies I plan on removing all pol shit online. Word of mouth from then on <403e98f2> Leads to higher quality of discussion and people eager to learn. <403e98f2> Pol is a true DAO <403e98f2> I could die tomorrow and that thing would last till quarterbar closes. Maybe longer <403e98f2> I planted […]


<09ed3757> lol that chart &lt;@U03694HFD&gt; omg <9e126bf3> yeah wtf is that <9e126bf3> some incredible horseshit if I’ve ever seen it <09ed3757> A rolling loan gathers no loss <9e126bf3> until your currency dies :pepe:


<5547a085> <5547a085> HOW DARE YOU!!!!11111


<9e126bf3> MTV circa 1994 &lt;;


<502edbb8> The people I really want to show up I can just pick up the phone and call <502edbb8> The wider community has rarely brought in someone where I was just like wow. It&#8217;s happened, but it&#8217;s rare.


<5547a085> Break your backs and crack oars men … Harpoons thust to the sky … <403e98f2> I’m buying more bsv. I’m hoping it goes to $60


<403e98f2> Google is evil. Situation Sucks. But what a fucking dumb comment.


<09ed3757> <> <09ed3757> the combined order book is grim to 6000 <9e126bf3> :chart_with_downwards_trend: :boom: :skull_and_crossbones: <09ed3757> 100$ coins ftw

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