atx crypto club

Author: Anon Ymous


<5547a085> Welcome &lt;@US896JRRD&gt;


<502edbb8> Thanks for coming out!


<09ed3757> This is t written correctly <09ed3757> MultiCultural != multiethnic <09ed3757> (Niggas I&#8217;m so fuckin woke :weary:) <09ed3757> <09ed3757>


<5547a085> The grand tortoise of course <5547a085> Lol I know who it is * snicker snicker * <09ed3757> ALL HAIL THE GRAND TORTISE


<09ed3757> Up an order of magnitude to .1btc <09ed3757> &lt;@U8F8V823B&gt; cuz I try to use the word hate very little. I hate very few things. But I hate China(ccp). I hate that Bill Clinton gave rationale for them to be in the WTO. I hate that we allowed them to do our manufacturing in the […]


<09ed3757> You know the funny thing about the us dollar is? Despite having trillions floating around… you technically only need 1 dollar to value something


<09ed3757> I was thinking about that – I mean, anyone else smoke cigs? <09ed3757> Yea, it&#8217;s def a command a control mechanism <5547a085> If you read through the thread, its a cipher that changes to FUCK U <75f07d61> MSG-ULTRA :i_love_you_hand_sign:


<d3f496ca> The bigger picture is that it would make you dependent on the state


<09ed3757> That&#8217;s a zombie drug <502edbb8> Can’t imagine it being more addictive than good ol fashioned morphine

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