<403e98f2> On it. <403e98f2> Not sure if it’s good content yet, but people on the internets are saying it’s dark. <https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x41SMm-9-i4|https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x41SMm-9-i4>
<403e98f2> On it. <403e98f2> Not sure if it’s good content yet, but people on the internets are saying it’s dark. <https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x41SMm-9-i4|https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x41SMm-9-i4>
<502edbb8> <https://www.realcleardefense.com/2019/12/20/ai_amp_robots_crush_foes_in_army_wargame_311315.html>
<09ed3757> <https://decrypt.co/15378/disney-halts-justin-suns-attempt-to-trademark-tron?utm_source=reddit&amp;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_campaign=sm|https://decrypt.co/15378/disney-halts-justin-suns-attempt-to-trademark-tron?utm_source=reddit&amp;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_campaign=sm>
<09ed3757> <@UM0TYPAQ5> check out the Syria hoax article on tech science … pretty fascinating
<09ed3757> <https://blog.shrimpy.io/blog/binance-crypto-trading-bots-with-python|https://blog.shrimpy.io/blog/binance-crypto-trading-bots-with-python>
<502edbb8> pentagon calls tiktok a cybersecurity threat
<09ed3757> So, the most racist person in dfw?
<502edbb8> Pentagon is calling tiktok a cybersecurity threat
<502edbb8> Holy shit that looks like conan o brien
<403e98f2> Makes sense. <403e98f2> I’m furious at Dallas vendor evaluation weighting. Look at how specific diversity is vs the others. <403e98f2> Project approach at 15% also includes FUNCTIONALITY. <403e98f2> I also found there’s a person in Dallas whose main job is to oversee request for proposals to make sure the diversity is kosher
<09ed3757> <http://Techscience.org|Techscience.org>
<09ed3757> <http://Datacommons.org|Datacommons.org> <09ed3757> <http://Visuwords.com|Visuwords.com>
<5547a085> * giddy excitement *
<5547a085> Lol
<403e98f2> <9e126bf3> lol
<403e98f2> Nice. For OSINT stuff I find Vortimo to be pretty solid. Very good when going through large database of shit like 29Leaks where theres a shit ton of shell companies and board members that cross pollinate <https://vortimo.wordpress.com/> <403e98f2> took a solid 3-4 hrs to get a feeling for how to organize and use decently. […]
<9e126bf3> yeah I wish I thought of it lol, just saw it going around this morning on twatter