<502edbb8> <https://www.wsj.com/articles/ghosts-in-the-clouds-inside-chinas-major-corporate-hack-11577729061?mod=hp_lead_pos5>
<502edbb8> <https://www.wsj.com/articles/ghosts-in-the-clouds-inside-chinas-major-corporate-hack-11577729061?mod=hp_lead_pos5>
<502edbb8> <https://blog.menasec.net/2019/02/threat-hunting-6-hiding-in-plain-sights.html>
<502edbb8> <https://github.com/netspooky/gtfoplus>
<502edbb8> <https://twitter.com/hashtag/36C3?src=hashtag_click> <502edbb8> c3 is goin on
<09ed3757> Wonder what would happen if they were turned back into the IRG <09ed3757> Jussayin
<502edbb8> <https://www.crowdstrike.com/resources/wp-content/brochures/reports/huge-fan-of-your-work-intelligence-report.pdf>
<502edbb8> <https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2019/12/totok_is_an_emi.html>
<9e126bf3> Its like arguments about limiting 2A
<502edbb8> <https://twitter.com/AlecMuffett/status/1209227482089607169> <502edbb8> It would appear the ‘lets not release these sophistacted tools’ side is gathering steam. There is precendence…. ^^ twitter thread
<d666283b> A popular Chinese using factom ?
<502edbb8> pentagon calls tiktok a cybersecurity threat
<502edbb8> <https://twitter.com/thegrugq/status/1207989124612755458> The debate continues
<403e98f2> I believe Dallas was breached and hasn’t disclosed / covering it up. I started collecting evidence a few weeks ago but decided to wait till beginning of the year. That has changed now and I’m frantically trying to scrape and back up their data <403e98f2> <403e98f2> <403e98f2> Scheduled System Maintenance may impact DWU payment […]
<502edbb8> It goes back and forth. The analogy I liked best was the IED bombs in iraq <502edbb8> sometimes measures developed by terrorists put them ahead, then the US would develop counter measures and they would be ahead, then the terrorists would adapt <502edbb8> It just seems like a few things came together and blue […]
<d666283b> Deth by SandWorm
<403e98f2> Yes <403e98f2> More leaks also empower those tools.
<502edbb8> So a meme running through the community is ‘Are all these super dank open source red team tools really good for infosec or just making blue’s team harder?’ <502edbb8> Nearly all the APTs (doesn’t count the US) use them in their kill chain <502edbb8> And it appears like the past 3-4 have seen a […]
<d666283b> Hell yes
<502edbb8> <https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/12/19/opinion/location-tracking-cell-phone.html?te=1&amp;nl=the-privacy%20project&amp;emc=edit_priv_20191219?campaign_id=0&amp;instance_id=0&amp;segment_id=0&amp;user_id=7c8ff3fc774920a57c39e5d6cb28327e&amp;regi_id=020191219>