atx crypto club

Category: jobsblow


Sat Jul 13 17:30:12 2024 (*097dfbf6*):: +public!


Fri Jun 21 23:05:54 2024 (*f1a1cbef*):: Insightful article from anthropic ceo about work +public! *** My Last Five Years of Work *** Palladium Magazine


Thu May 23 00:33:45 2024 (*f1a1cbef*):: +public!


Fri Mar 8 21:01:05 2024 (*ea8266d6*):: *** Geiger Capital (@Geiger_Capital) on X *** Holy. Shit. I thought this was a typo… In just February, 1.2 million immigrants (legal and illegal) gained a job. Meanwhile, 500k native-born Americans LOST their job. Since Covid, native-born workers have actually LOST 2 million jobs. All of the net […]


Fri Feb 2 22:48:29 2024 (*4297a328*):: (*6952cd93*):: +public! (*6952cd93*):: People that keep repeating the lie that this is a healthy economy need to be sorted out (*4cfb807c*):: All my talks with older coworkers tell me to: plan for early retirement with as much private equity gusto as possible (*3a0d8906*):: has joined the channel (*b05743e5*):: heard […]


Wed Jan 31 05:13:06 2024 (*6952cd93*):: I feel bad for these people. Can’t even roast them, they’re truly fucked +public! (*6952cd93*)::


Mon Jan 15 23:01:27 2024 (*7f971682*):: Ima gonna appliez +public! (*4297a328*):: I need retard pills to apply lol (*7f971682*):: Ima gonna appliez +public! (*4297a328*):: +public! (*4297a328*):: I need retard pills to apply lol


Mon Dec 4 00:50:25 2023 (*b05743e5*):: (*6952cd93*):: +public!


Sat Dec 2 03:27:45 2023 (*b05743e5*):: (*6952cd93*):: +public!

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