atx crypto club

Category: memeland


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<5547a085> Doge is 100% Teflon cooking material ™


<09ed3757> Test to see if gifs make it


<403e98f2> Man thats a legit fall <403e98f2> Stealing this


<75f07d61> Pride. The old has too much pride to wear a diaper at work. At this point though, a diaper is far more dignified and justified!


<9e126bf3> &lt;@U3TK24FU1&gt; lol how does that even happen


<75f07d61> This is the 2nd time I’ve had to dance with an old’s ass trickle! I wonder how many others young bloods are dealing with this at work… <9e126bf3> People laughed at $TSLA at 420 back when he took acid with Grimes lol

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