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Category: open4biz


Thu May 21 07:19:18 2020 <5547a085> <|> — Gamblers Flock To Reopened Casinos In South To Find Them Drastically Altered — The dealer sprays the dice with a bottle of disinfectant and a masked gambler leans into the craps table, his cheekbones raised in a grin. “Leave ’em wet,” he tells the dealer. “They won’t roll […]


Wed May 20 17:38:53 2020 <8f79fcda> <> — US Hemp Hurd &amp; Fiber For Sale | USA Grown Wholesale Hemp Hurd &amp; Fiber — America’s #1 Hemp Hurd and Fiber Supplier &amp; Distribution. American Grown Hemp Hurd and Hemp Fiber. 100% Processed by American Farmers. USA Wholesale Bulk Hemp Hurd and Fiber. Hemp Hurd for […]


Tue May 19 04:22:52 2020 <5547a085> <> — Texas Breweries Can Reopen This Friday — Governor Abbot announced today that breweries and brewpubs can reopen their taprooms effective May 22nd at a 25% capacity, but will they?


Mon May 18 19:09:58 2020 <9e126bf3> <@U8F8V823B> is Bender Bar still alive?


Mon May 18 00:19:35 2020 <21c2e595> Pinballz is open in full! They just close 2 hours early.


Fri May 15 20:33:27 2020 <9e126bf3> Yeah doubleplus ungood


Fri May 15 19:43:17 2020 <7d56dcb3> they do this in china… damn… <7d56dcb3> damn i just want a haircut…


Fri May 15 17:08:45 2020 <5547a085> This is <#C013DQUQLRK|open4biz>, not #seized or #stolen <9e126bf3> speaking of open4biz… apparently when we go to restaurants we will be logged and timestamped for contact tracing purposes. It begins… <8f79fcda> y’all ever see shawshank redemption? <8f79fcda> when he made a new identity for banking purposes? <9e126bf3> nah but I […]


Fri May 15 16:34:02 2020 <9e126bf3> I’d like to see China last a week without “shit” built from corporate espionage and other scams


Fri May 15 15:32:12 2020 <8f79fcda> Ok doomer


Fri May 15 11:13:33 2020 <7d56dcb3> except their economy actually produces shit, and we don’t… try living without anything “made in china” for a week and see what it’s like.


Thu May 14 22:03:13 2020 <9e126bf3> I’m down to pull the plug and see what happens. Chances are China will crash and burn faster than we do. Paper dragon economy is not that robust especially without us, requires ever deeper control of civilization to continue the scam. They spent so much time ripping off our […]


Thu May 14 21:42:17 2020 <8f79fcda> :face_with_rolling_eyes:


Thu May 14 21:24:20 2020 <9e126bf3> Some shelves in the RGV looking empty. Theres still meat but def a lot less. Getting angrier by the day, watching the controlled death of our economy in real time <7d56dcb3> you know what would fix our supply shortages? if we cut off all ties with china, where literally […]


Thu May 14 21:03:09 2020 <773ab1f1> Local neighborhood walmart meat shelves are bare. All grocery stores have buying limits. Central market is still a free for all if you can afford it <5547a085> I always forget Dallas doesnt have HEB


Thu May 14 20:07:37 2020 <5547a085> ^ this is my guesstimate <5547a085> <@U8F8V823B> how is the restaurant supply looking?


Thu May 14 20:01:30 2020 <5547a085> Meat prices are up at Costco about 20% since I was there last month


Wed May 13 19:47:18 2020 <21c2e595> Hacienda Arandinas on Brodie open for full service. <7d56dcb3> full service huh? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: <21c2e595> :eggplant:


Tue May 12 21:08:16 2020 <9e126bf3> nice!

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